Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Cow

This way of painting always makes me happy! Don't have to look close in detail, but just paint and go with the brush!

I put on the acryl whitout looking how much was on my brush. You can see the different edges, and really feel them.

Waited for a too long time to make another cow! I love to paint in this wet in wet method, with clear colors. Used prussian blue with black for the dark parts, Sky blue light, king's blue and another blue ( can't remember the name ) and cobalt blue for the white parts. the 'warm' parts are quinacridone rose and transperant red light or something in that way :)

My mum already hung this one in the kitchen, even don't got the time to varnish it! haha

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your kind words! :)

    Oh and I love your paintings sooo much! My aunt is also an artist and her house is full of her work *_*

    with love
