Monday, June 11, 2012

Carp and flowers in the mix!

You may have seen some sketches in older posts, I did start with color on the carp painting!
I think the mix of flowers and a fish is a bit new for me, but I'll hope it will turn out great :) Thinking of making the flowers more 'fake' with black lines to suggest them or so, but next thing to do is the carp itself!

At the moment I'm way to busy with projects for school, so I think the next time I can paint is in 4 weeks! Can't wait until then :). Karim also asked me to paint some scooter-parts for him! Bit curious about that :D

Great news!

Yes dear people, I have some great news! One of my paintings is selected to hang in an exposition the upcoming month in the central Library of Dordrecht! I'm so happy with this news! Since I know my starting date for my internship ( September 3rd ), I planned to paint a lot in these summer months. I'm not looking for an job so I can spent many hours with my dear acrylic tubes and pots.

The Exposition in the Library is about "Romantiek van A tot Z" [Romance from A to Z]. I was curious and sent a mail to the organisation of the expo with one of my paintings :) I don't have very romantic paintings, so I actually gave up, until today!

This one is the lucky one :

It's one from 2011, also one of my last finished paintings...oops!

The exposition is in the central library in Dordrecht :) [ Openbare Bilbiotheek ] from June 28th untill July the 28th. On the first of July all the artists will open the exposition during the huge book market here in Dordrecht [ 17e editie Dordtse boekenmarkt ].